2022 - Present Soul Burger Star Collector Earth Veins Danny Brown 30 Day Challenge for the Fight for Liberation Sticker 30 Day Challenge for the Fight for Liberation Print TimeWarp! Series 1 of 3 TimeWarp! Series 2 of 3 TimeWarp! Series 3 of 3 Songs of Trees Spirit Guides Altered Winter Wonderland Alter Your Mind GIF F.U.N. Shiny Snowfall Altered Bicycle Day Outside My Window Zombie Juice Alchemical Pearl Trite Trout Altered Area Examine Roots Crystalline Knowledge Prodigious and Strange Only Time All the Time Trip to the Grossery Store Babel Build a Ladder Rule Forty-Two Sympoiesis Phallocentric II Riley + Huey Poetree Myc Resonance PHOSPHENES | Zine Through the Green Door: My Enchanted Garden AKTHESAVIOR Build a Portal to Me Walk a Comet's Path Subtle Magnetism Fairy Mirrors Become a Transparent Eyeball Untitled Intertwined in the Infinite Energy Exchange Fossils and Mushrooms